CIS 3309 Section 1


                         Homework Assignment HWA 05 II

     ATM Project Design - Form 3: Transaction Selection Form

(Note: Homework problems are to be turned in to the instructor, not the lab assistant.  Submit in class on due date, or if class is totally on line, turn in through the HWA 5II column in the Canvas Gradebook.)


Everything about this assignment is a repetition of HWA 5I, except it pertains to Form 3, the Transaction Selection Form.  Most of what you would normally be expected to do has been done.  The form has been provided and the objects to be manipulated have been identified and documented.  The most important thing you need to do here is outlined in Sections A and B below.  Before doing this, I strongly urge you to review the list of attributes and methods associated with each of the classes indicated in the ATM Project Specifications.  Otherwise, you may find yourselves redoing work that has already been done.  (The more familiar you are with the methods in the classes we have, the better equipped you will be to refer to them in your diagram and use them in your code.)


Once again, you will find that data validation and recovery are the hardest part of your work.  So you will want to pay particular attentions to these details.


Reading (same as for HWA 5I):

Homework Assignment:  Read Murach text Chapters 8, 9 as required for Lab Assignment 4 and Chapter 10 (thru p 315), Chapter 11 (thru p. 343), Chapter 12 (thru p.401) and Chapter 21 (pp. 698 thru 693)


A.  Write out detailed Behavior Diagrams for the code behind for the Transaction Selection Form.   There will be no "redo" of these diagrams so they need to be in good shape when submitted. Your diagram must include the validation of all input (including from the Customer File), recovery from user data entry errors, and indications as to when important controls are enabled (or made visible) or disabled (or made invisible).   Due  as specified on the Labs Weekly Schedule page.  Keep a copy for yourselves.

B. Write the code behind for this form.  Test it, including validating user input (most important) and checking to ensure valid input from the currentBookFile. This code is complicated.  The sooner you get started, the quicker we can get your questions answered and get you on your way to finishing the Project.  Not to be turned in until the Project II due date.