CIS 3309
Homework Assignment HWA #09
Reading and Preparation for the Final Project
Establishing and Documenting Valid Data Criteria
To be done in pairs, with your group partner.
Date Due: TBD (ask in class)
Project: Visit the specifications for Final Project. Reread this specifications as needed. For homework, follow the directions under Stage I, Part B (HWA #09).
Objectives: See the Specifications for the Final Project for a statement of objectives.
What to Turn In: For each of the text boxes in which data is to be entered into your form(s), list the details of the validation steps to be done. The are also issues related to the number of months in a year and the number of days in each month. Use of the date/time picker can make allof this easier. All dollar values should be valid decimals and allow for a decimal point and allow for exactly two places to the right of the decimal point. You do not need to tell me HOW you will ensure data validity, but I do want to know what you will check before entering the data into permanent storage. This should not take long to do, especially if you want a HINT or two.