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Welcome to CIS 3309 - Spring 2021

This is the home page for CIS 3309, your gateway to most resources for this course. It provides information regarding course syllabus, course guidelines, assignments, projects, lab, links to other useful sites.  Click any of the topics in the navigation bar at the top of this page  to find out more about it.  My thanks to Professor Gary Baram whose original page design is still here, in what must be the 100th iteration of these notes.  If you find errors or broken links anywhere on this site, please let me know.


         This website has been updated for Spring 2021.   If you find trouble spots, please let me know.


NOTE: If you are considering moving ahead and doing some work for this course over the break, please note that will be using Visual Studio 2017 and the Murach programming text C#.NET 2015.  Your textbooks and software will reflect these choices.  There is a document (referenced in the Week 1 reading specifications -- this schedule is required reading) that you can use to get a copy of the software you need from the Microsoft Azure software site (through the Temple/CIS license for Visual Studio). 


Course Description  This course emphasizes component-based software development using C# .NET.  You will be introduced to software development techniques applicable in a component (class)-based, integrated software development environment (IDE).  You will learn (and practice using) the C# .NET language, object-oriented software design techniques, and the principles of good user interface design.  You will also learn how to navigate and take full advantage of an IDE in building quality software, including user interfaces to databases, sequential files, and graphics tools.  Object-oriented concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, static and dynamic binding, and abstract class components will be covered.  The primary focus is on windows-based software products.


WARNING: This is a project-driven course.  You will be given project work on day one.  To do this work, you will need to ask questions, beginning day one.  I expect and encourage you to do this throughout the course.   Please do not take this issue lightly.

Prerequisites: CIS 2168, CIS 2109 (or CIS 4331) and MATH 1022 (or MATH 1038).   If you have not taken and passed these THREE courses with a C- or better, or received transfer credits for them, you CANNOT take this course. 

NoteWhereever you are on the CIS 3309 website, to get back to this page, just click Home on the navigation bar (gray background) at the top the page you are on. 

This web resource will be used in conjunction with Temple's web conference system, Canvas.

For general information about the CIS Department click on  www.cis.temple.edu

I am particularly indebted to professors Lefkovitz, Stafford, Pascucci, and Wiesel from whom I learned much of what appears on these pages.  And thanks, too, to Dr. Baram, from whom I captured the template for these pages, as he originally constructed it for CIS 2109.  Joe Jupin, Bill Hall, Jessica Clark, and Elliot Stoner have also provided substantial help as lab assistants in previous years.  

One of the best "Other Resources" that I can suggest is the Google search engine.  If you have additional  resources of value that you wish to share, let me know and I will post them on the Other Resources site. 

The second, and perhaps most important resource, is you.  As you navigate through this course and the rest of the IS&T curriculum, you will be working as a systems designer and programmer of more and more complex technical systems addressing challenges of increasing proportions.  To meet this challenge you have to become your own "engineering innovator", asking questions, and finding new paths to getting answers -- new programming techniques and design methodlogies to get things done. 

Your job of the future will require this kind of effort, considerable self-motivation, and "rapid and continuous learning".   I hope this course will be a good start for you.  [Adapted from Thank You for Being Late, by Thomas Friedman (no relation), pages 221 (bottom) to 224 (top).  This is an eye-opening book, well worth reading.]

It is not painful to learn something ... as long as you do it incrementally.    -- YoYo Ma

     Think for yourself and question authority.*    -- Timothy Leary

* Especially yours truly.

Finally, while we are at it, what does Man on the Moon have to do with this course?

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Last Updated
Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Maintained by: Frank L Friedman