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CIS 3309-Component-Based Software Development

Course Guidelines

(Spring, 2021)



Link to Weekly Schedule

Internal Links
Course Goals                 Exams          Homework          Working in Groups          Laboratories                  Class Attendance                     Your Password             
Withdrawal Policy       Personal Issues                         Disability Disclosure        Academic Rights and Responsibilities                          A Final Note

External Links
Course Syllabus         Homework Assignments                 Labs                 Lecture Notes                           Other Resources

Summary of Course Goals:

This is an introductory course in component-based software development.  The goal is to introduce students to object-oriented software development techniques in an integrated software development environment in which the focus is on web-based and embedded software products. 

Exams and Quizzes:

Exams will be in class and/or in the lab.  They may use application/problem solving questions, short answer and/or a  combination of multiple choice.  You will be notified whether the exam will be open book and open notes.  The content for exams is cumulative; that is, all material covered up to the day of exam may be included.  Exams will generally be based on material covered in class and in lab, but not necessarily restricted to it.  There will be no make up exams.  

If you cannot be present on the day of an exam, you are expected to make prior arrangements with the instructor to take the exam on another date, preferably before the scheduled date.  If you miss any exam without prior agreement with the instructor, and without definitive proof as to the reasons, you will get a zero.  

The final exam is mandatory on the scheduled day unless otherwise arranged IN ADVANCE.

Exams will be designed primarily to test your understanding of object-oriented design and programming and how to use C# and the .NET platform to build software solutions.  You may also be expected to demonstrate your facility with text and on-line resources that can be helpful in getting your work done. 

Quizzes will be given on an as needed basis to reinforce material covered over a short period of time. All quizzes will be announced and will be graded by the instructor.  Quiz grades will be credited toward your final grade.  Except under special circumstances, there will be no make-up arrangements made for missed quizzes.

NOTE: Poor performance (failure to receive a C- or better) in non-lab work (quizzes, exams, homework, and attendance), OR in lab work, will result in a grade of D or worse.  All continuing IS&T majors receiving such a grade will have to retake CIS 3309 before taking any other courses in the major.  Thus, you need a C- or better in both lab work and non-lab work to move ahead in the IS&T major.
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Homework Assignments:

Relatively short Homework Assignments (as distinguished from Labs) may be given as needed during the semester. Each homework must be completed on time and brought class as instructed. The homework will be graded and commented upon by the instructor as soon as possible.  Homework will be graded separately from Labs and credited toward your total exam and quiz grade. 

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Important Notes on Labs and Homework:

It is expected that all homework and labs will be turned in by the stated due date.  Homework and labs turned in within a week of the due date will be graded at 50% of the total grade.  Homework and Labs turned in more than one week late after this date work will not be accepted except in the case of documented emergencies.  A small numeric grade will be posted on Canvas for your homework.  This grade will be recorded and counted as part of your non-lab score total (added to your exam, quiz, and attendance scores).  It is up to you to ensure your homework effort serves its purpose -- for you to learn the material.

I encourage all students to discuss assignments with me, the lab assistants, and with other students in the class.  HOWEVER, unless you have a group assignment, you are expected to work on and complete all homework assignments on your own. Plagiarism will be handled with severe measures as documented in your Temple University student handbook.

There is a significant difference between seeking help from others (consulting with or getting help from others), versus copying the work of others.  Copying labs or homework (or quizzes or exams) will result in substantially reduced grades for ALL students involved, and, possibly, an F in the course.

All assignments (lab and homework) should be carefully documented (commented).  Your name, section, the date, and the title of your assignment (and your instructor's name) should appear at the top of each program as part of the documentation.  All C# classes that you write should be carefully documented, especially with respect to the author, date and purpose of the class (its responsibilities, or its function in your overall application system).

Working in Groups: 

Your lab and homework assignments are intended to help YOU learn about the art and science of object-oriented programming.  I tend to give a lot of homework and lab assignments and a good bit of reading.  For most students in the class, doing the reading and  assignments is the only way you will master the concepts and ideas discussed  Occasionally, I may give a group assignment.  If and when I do, I will tell you.  Otherwise, you are responsible for your own assignments. When working in a group, it is fine to turn in one lab or homework assignment per group.  

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Laboratories are lead by the Teaching Assistants.  Attendance for the full period of each laboratory is no longer mandatory but is expected, especially if you are struggling in the course and/or need help. In the laboratory you will be assisted as needed with solving sub-problems required for a larger lab (or homework) assignment you have been given.  Labs are graded numerically by the grader.  Labs are expected to be graded within a week of the date they were due.  Attendance will be taken in lab.  If you are struggling in the course and not attending labs, that is a very bad sign. 

Class Attendance:  
Attendance is expected, and will be recorded.  Absences for legitimate professional activities and illnesses are acceptable (will not be counted against you) only if prior notice is given to the instructor by e-mail or phone.  Scheduling conflicts with your work, extra-curricular activities, or any other such activities are not normally a valid excuse.  Also, review the Temple University attendance policy in the Undergraduate BulletinAttendance has a direct effect on class participation.  If you are not in class, you cannot participate. 
There are 28 course lectures, each worth 2 points toward your non-lab grade.

Attendance and class participation will be taken into account in final grading, as part of your Non-Lab grade . Class participation means that you attend class regularly and have completed your assigned readings.  It means that you ask relevant questions and make informed comments in class. 

Please --

1.   Come to class on time or eventually you may find that you are not welcome at all.  If you are too late for roll call, you will not be counted as present.

2.   Be prepared -- you will be helped considerably if you do the reading and the homework on time.  If you can stay a bit ahead in the reading you will be even better off.

3.   Ask questions in class -- even during exams.  I can’t tell what is being learned and what is causing trouble if you don’t ask questions.

4.   If you miss class, please obtain notes and missed assignments from your fellow classmates.  If there is anything that you do not understand, I will be happy to help you, but you have to make the first effort to make up the work I EXPECT EACH STUDENT TO TAKE THE INITIATIVE TO MAKE UP WHATEVER IS MISSED IN CLASS. 

5.   Once class has begun, unless you have an emergency, please remain seated unless asked to come to the board.  It is very distracting to have students walking in and out of class in the middle of a class.  It is also RUDE.  Eighty minutes IS a long time -- if you have an emergency or really HAVE to leave, please do so quietly and return quickly.  

6.   All assignments must be turned in on time. 

7.   I will not give a grade of incomplete except under extraordinary conditions.

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Your Password:

Your password is your unique "key" to your computing resources.  It is your key and is not to be shared with anyone else regardless of who it is or the reasons you might think you have.  Misuse of your password may result in the removal of your computing access privileges and in University Disciplinary action.  Please treat this password as your own personal property -- that's exactly what it is!

Withdrawal Policy:

You may withdraw from this course (with a grade of "W passing") at any time prior to the "magic date" specified by the University (now about five weeks before the end of classes).  It is up to you to find out when this date is for a given semester.  I will generally try to give, grade, and return the MIDTERM EXAMs (lab and in-class exams) in time for you to make a decision about what to do if you are not happy with your progress in the course.  Students who simply "drop out" of class without formally withdrawing will receive a grade of F.

Personal Issues:

Faculty (including me), CIS and CST advisors, as well as the staff in the Office of the Dean of Students are here to help you.  If, during the course of the semester, you have personal issues that are making it difficult for you to meet your course obligations, it is important that you communicate with these folks and that you do so in a timely manner.  Attempting to recover from such difficulties after the fact will be far more difficult.  Please see me, your advisors, and/or someone in the Office of the Dean of Students immediately if events occur or issues arise that interfere with your coursework.  If you do not communicate with us, it is harder for us to help you.

Disability Disclosure:
Any student who has a need for accommodations based on the impact of a documented disability or medical condition should contact Disability Resources and Services (DRS) in 100 Ritter Annex (; 215-204-1280) to request accommodations and learn more about the resources available to you. If you have a DRS accommodation letter to share with me, or you would like to discuss your accommodations, please contact me as soon as practical. I will work with you and with DRS to coordinate reasonable accommodations for all students with documented disabilities. All discussions related to your accommodations will be confidential.


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Temple Policy on Student and Faculty Academic Rights and Responsibilities:
This policy has been posted in the undergraduate and graduate bulletins on line.  Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic freedom.  The University has adopted a policy on Student and Faculty Academic Rights and Responsibilities (Policy # 03.70.02) which can be accessed through the following link: 

Policies on Rights and Responsibilities 

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Additional guidelines concerning the code of conduct expected for this section of CIS 3309 are explained below.  Please read -- and don't forget.  These guidelines are adapted from a set of similar guidelines written by another CIS faculty member and used in his courses.  I view these as a minimum standard which I expect everyone to adhere to.

1. You may  discuss the problem sets and programming assignments and projects with your student colleagues.  We welcome discussions of possible interpretations of questions, solution approaches, and points of confusion. You are also welcome to use existing public libraries in your programming assignments (such as public classes for queues, trees, etc.)  You may also look at code for public domain software.  Such activities qualify under approved collaboration practices and you are welcome to take advantage of them.  When using the work or ideas of others, however, it is important to give written credit in your project comments to the source(s) of this assistance.

2. You may not copy or otherwise use  any course project material relating to any project similar to this course's class projects.   This includes work done by a student in past years' courses, as well as similar course projects at other universities.  If you are unsure about whether a particular source of external information is permitted, contact the instructor before looking at it.  Again, failure to give credit when using someone else's work may result in a substantial lowering of your grade.

3.  Note that cooperation is not the same thing as cheating.   Seeking ideas, advice, or hints from others  is fine.  It is how we learn.   But it is essential that you generate and clearly understand your own solutions to homework and lab problems and projects.  If you simply copy from anyone else's code (whether the person is in your class or not) and you don't understand how this code works, it is like stealing (plagiarizing) which is not only dishonest, but will certianly affect your grade, as the resultant lack of understanding will surely show up on quizzes and exams (if not before).  

So, what does all this mean?

4 DO NOT, under any circumstances, COPY ALL OR PART OF ANYONE ELSE'S PROBLEM SOLUTION.   Such copying will be closely monitored and is strictly prohibited.  The project assignments, labs, homework and exams must be YOUR OWN WORK.  Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from the University. Because such dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.  Not only will you suffer, but those who assisted you will also suffer the consequences.  As a student in a CIS course, you are expected to respect the privacy of the work of others and to protect your own work from unauthorized use.   If you allow others to copy your work, you are as culpable as the copier and will be treated accordingly.

5.  If you are working on a laboratory project to be completed in teams, all team members should contribute equally and will be graded individually.  The previous 4 guidelines apply equally as well to teamwork as to individual work.  You and you teammate(s) are to consider the work of other teams the same as you consider the work of other individuals.   NO COPYING -- and no joint work among multiple teams.

 A Final Note::

In signing up for this course, you have signed a contract to do the work that is required and to fully participate in course activities, including standard homework, all labs, group/cooperative projects, quizzes, and exams.  I expect you to live up to your end of the bargain.  You will be graded according to how well you satisfy course requirements.  If you have any questions, please see me. This is hard work, but it also can be a lot of fun.  I intend to enjoy this class.  I hope you do too.

In the end, if you do not do your own work, it will show up in your quizzes and exams.


Last Updated
Friday, December 11, 2020

Maintained by: Frank Friedman

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